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Sale and Unitrust

Are your appreciated assets (such as stock, bonds or real estate) producing little or no income?

If you sell your appreciated assets, you will pay a large capital gains tax. A sale and charitable remainder unitrust may be the solution.

Sale and Unitrust
Cash Received
Income to Donor

How a Sale and Unitrust Works

  1. You give a portion of your asset.
  2. The asset is sold, you receive cash and the rest goes to fund your charitable trust.
  3. The trust will provide you with income for the rest of your life.
  4. You receive a charitable deduction this year to offset your tax on the sale.

Benefits of a Sale and Unitrust

  • You get the cash you need to purchase another residence, travel or meet your daily needs.
  • The unitrust provides you with income for the rest of your life and future retirement.
  • The unitrust deduction gives you valuable tax savings that may reduce your tax bill this year.
  • When you pass away, the remaining value in the unitrust will help Bob Jones University further its work.
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